React4life MIVO®: Multi In Vitro Organ
Multi In Vitro Organ MIVO® device React4life is an Italian company founded to help researchers recreating a reliable human-like platform in the lab, where they can advance their assays towards more predictive and reproducible drugs/molecules tests. React4life has patented and fully industrialized MIVO®: Multi In Vitro Organ, an innovative microphysiological system that comes from over 15 years of academic research.
Activity Description
The Multi In Vitro Organ MIVO® device is a cell/tissue culture chamber that recapitulates the physiological fluid-dynamic conditions.
MIVO® device, assembled to a pumping system, provides a controlled and reproducible fluid flow in terms of direction, speed and induced shear stresses, enabling to mimic different physiological flows affecting the cells/tissue behaviour.
MIVO® can be used:
- for enhancing tissues conditions and prolonging lifetime,
- for advanced drug testing assays on 2D cells monolayers/3D reconstructed tissues/biopsies,
- for discovering new therapeutic approaches,
- for basic research, without involving animal use.
React4life may:
- provide organ on chip technologies for culturing a range of hepatocytes cell types for toxicity assays
- provide organ on chip technologies for culturing 3D cells/tissue culture and/or co-cultures (multi-organ on chips) for toxicity assays
- provide consulting and trainings course for the adoption of organ on chip technologies on the methods above