How to foster “new approach methodology” toxicologists? SaferWorldbyDesign hosted training sessions

This webinar training series was jointly run and organized by

  • Lebanese University- Faculty of Sciences,
  • School of Life Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland,
  • Biopredic International and
  • Edelweiss Connect GmbH.

The talks emphasised on the in vitro and non- animal testing approaches which are being growing to be used in the field of toxicology and risk assessments.

The training covered the microtissue generation and application of the 3D HepaRG models, introduction to the human hepatic cell line, primary methods of 2D-monocultures of HepaRG cell model and integrative methods of data management, analysis and visualisation. The main objective of the series is to introduce the concept of alternative approaches against animal test methods (new approach methodologies) which can be used for safe chemical and drug testing and assessment.”

2D HepaRG cell culture basics

HepaRG cell line: Origin, characteristics and cell culture practices

The two webinars are focused on teaching the basics of the HepaRG model (in vitro model), it’s applicability and usability as an alternative non-animal method, primary methods of 2D-monocultures of HepaRG cell model and the essential basic techniques of performing the cell culture methods.

The session also includes a virtual training experience on cell culture methods (cell passaging, cell seeding and cell phasing.).

Webinar was hosted by Pamela Bachour El Azzi, Biopredic International, France

TempO-Seq data management, analysis and visualisation methods

This webinar training is focussed on introducing the various methods of standardising, harmonising and accessing the transcriptomics data produced using TempO-Seq technology. It also focuses on introducing the quality control methods, their importance before doing statistical analysis and an approach to find the most interesting genes and the pathways they are involved in.

The last part of the webinar focuses on the various visualisations methods that can be used to view both raw data and result data.

Webinar was hosted by Pranika Singh, Edelweiss Connect, Switzerland

3D liver spheroids

3D HepaRG model: Microtissue generation and applications

This webinar training is focused on introducing a complex 3D liver model which consists of three different cell lines, practical session on development of the multicellular microtissues of liver and addressing some very specific cell endpoints. The applicability of such 3D liver model opens another opportunity to support non-animal, alternative new approach methodologies (NAMs).

Webinar was hosted by Prof. Laura Suter-Dick, School of Life Sciences (FHNW), Switzerland